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Facebook Verification Services

Facebook Verification Services

Get your Facebook account verified instantly and create genuine trust among your audience. We can help you. Reach out!
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Facebook Verification

For facebook verification, you will need the following information on your Facebook page:

A website

Contact information

An “About” and long-form description

A lot of credible content (Posted in the form of write ups, images or videos)

It helps in fast track verification if you have the following: 

  • Wikipedia page (good chances to get verified)
  • Press Articles (must be about you as the main subject – minimum 10 articles.)

If you do not have some or any of the above mentioned requirements, we can help you create those from scratch and then get your account verified. It takes anywhere between 2-90 days for Facebook account verification, depending upon the status of your existing page or profile on Facebook.

Benefits of verification badge

Better Search Results

Verified Facebook accounts rank higher in Google search results.


The blue badge in verified facebook accounts generate a lot of credibility and authenticity, thus creating a positive brand image.


Audiences instantly connect with accounts that have a blue badge. They feel safe to interact.

Follower count

You can exponentially increase the number of followers on your Facebook page with a verified account.

Brand value

Verified accounts are unique in their own ways, and unique propositions always contribute to the value of your brand.


Verified Facebook accounts are extremely secure and have very less chances of getting hacked.

Get Free Consultation Today!

Frequently asked questions

Why does my profile/business need social media verification?

To prove that the profile – whether personal or for a business is legitimate and authentic. To also be proof that the profile has been screened by the respective platform and is marked as genuine. Whether an individual or business, this verification is extremely important to ensure that fans or customers follow the right accounts. It is also a step to make sure that fake accounts cannot manipulate the audience by pretending to be the real deal.

Why should I choose Fameninja to verify my brand socially?

Fameninja has in-depth knowledge of how social media verification services work. This can be to acquire a Twitter, Instagram or Facebook blue Verification Badge, or all three if need be. The company is very aware of the stringent guidelines required to successfully verify a page and makes sure to do it right in one go.

How much time will it take for getting verified?

The time depends upon Profile to Profile. We deliver our services in 30-45 days.

Get In Touch

Enter your details and we will get back to you with a detailed report covering all parameters of your existing online presence. Allow us deep search your digital presence, and suggest you the best foot moving forward.

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